[Step 4] Model Training
Please refer to our Starter Kit to see how you can participate as a Modeler!
Hard Requirements: ML Models
Supported models: neural network using PyTorch (other than recurrent neural networks, e.g., LSTM) and logistic regression using PyTorch
A model's output directly has to be the required target label
For Challenge 1, this means the model's output must be a probability (as opposed to a logit)
A model must be exported to the ONNX format
Soft Requirements: Compatibility with zkML
We encourage Modelers to try out various PyTorch NN architectures and also to run the end-to-end zkML workflow on their local machines to ensure that their submitted models:
can be exported to the ONNX format
have minimum quantization error
are practical in terms of time required to generate a single zkML proof and compute, disk, and memory requirements (note that the model's complexity directly correlates with the zkML overhead)
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